With a master` s degree in criminal law from the Renmin University of China and working experience as an associate professor at the university, Ji said his legal education has proved to be a lasting legacy for him. 吉林取得了人民大学刑法专业硕士学位,并曾于该校担任副教授一职。吉林说,法律教育对他影响深远。
Parks'family members have said they started legal proceedings in December to protect her legacy. 帕克斯女士的家族成员声称,他们已经于去年12月开始提出法律诉讼以保护其遗产。
For protecting the legal rights of the creditor of the legacy, it is required to make out the detailed provisions on how to pay off the inherited debts. 为了保护遗产债权人的利益,立法上有必要对遗产债务清偿作出详细的规定。
The right of inheritance, as a very important part of the legal relationship of property inheritance, is the core of all the legacy system. 继承权是财产继承法律关系内容的重要组成部分,是全部继承法律制度的核心。
According to the mainstream concept of the right of agent, the legal status of the legacy supervisor is characterized as agent. 代理权说作为主流学说将遗产管理人之法律地位定性为代理人,遗产管理人享有的权利和承担的义务便因此是代理人的权利与义务。
Based on the consideration of legal status of the legacy supervisor as the public supervisor, the rights and obligations could be deduced logically. 在将遗产管理人的法律地位定位为公共管理人之后,其权利与义务也就可逻辑地引申出来了。
The very logic precondition to establish legacy supervisor system is to specify the legal status of the legacy supervisor. 构建遗产管理人制度必须先行解决一个逻辑前提,这便是遗产管理人的法律地位如何厘定。
In modern law, inheritance, specifically refers to property inheritance, is the legal system that when the property owner dies or is declared dead, according to the law or testament, the legacy of death and property rights are transferred to his heirs. 在现代法上,继承专指财产继承,是指财产所有人死亡或被宣告死亡,按照法律规定或遗嘱指定,将死亡人遗留下来的财产和财产权利转移给他的继承人所有的一项法律制度。